Buzzard attacks can be more frequent in spring for a number of reasons:
Buzzard breeding period:
During spring, buzzards begin their breeding season. They may be more territorial and aggressive to defend their territory against any perceived threat, including poultry that might be seen as competitors or potential prey.
Increased poultry activity
During spring, the days get longer and the temperatures rise, which encourages poultry to spend more time outdoors pecking, feeding and exploring. This increased activity can make poultry more visible and therefore more vulnerable to buzzard attacks.
Reduced availability of wild prey
When spring arrives, buzzards may find it difficult to find wild prey because of the recovery of vegetation and the dispersal of wild prey. This can lead them to look for food in easier spots, such as poultry pens.
Buzzard migration
Some species of buzzard migrate in spring. This can lead to a temporary increase temporary increase in the number of buzzards in certain areas. Therefore, there is a higher risk of attacks on poultry.

Preventing buzzard attacks on free-range poultry is essential to ensure the safety and well-being of your animals. Here are some tips to help avoid them and protect your poultry:
Install secure shelters
Provide secure shelters where they can take refuge in the event of an attack. These shelters can be made of metal sheets or pallets attached to supports placed on the floor of the aviaries.
Practice active surveillance
Monitor your pen regularly for any signs of suspicious predator activity, especially the presence of buzzards or other birds of prey.
Use deterrents devices
Install visual deterrents such as reflective balloons, scarecrows or shiny aluminium strips around the pen to scare buzzards away and avoid them getting close.
Keep your poultry under cover during periods of increased risk
Limit the time your poultry spends outdoors during the periods when buzzards are most active, such as dawn and dusk.
Adopt safe rearing practices
No outdoor feeding, this will attract predators. Avoid leaving food scraps near the enclosure, as this may attract predators too.
By following these prevention tips and maintaining constant vigilance, you can reduce the risk of buzzard attacks on your free-range poultry and ensure their safety.